Tutorial for creating a shopping ad
This is a tutorial to create a Shopping Ad and it’s very easy. However, if you would like a retargeting feature for your site, please follow the retargeting tutorial before proceeding with the tutorial below.
This is a Shopping Ad demo if you need to know how does it display on the publisher’s site:
- 300×250 – 1st Most Popular, Suitable For Responsive Display
- 728×90 – 2nd Most Popular, Suitable For Responsive Display
- 160×600 – 3rd Most Popular, Suitable For Responsive Display
- 120×600 – 4th Most Popular, Suitable For Responsive Display
1. In the advertiser dashboard, select ADS and choose the CREATE AD button. Next, enter the information that is required to create a shopping ad. Then, click the NEXT button.
- Pricing – For a shopping ad, choose between CPC (cost per click) or CPM (cost per mille) – Learn more.
- Ad Type – choose Shopping Ad
- Name – any name (will not be shown to the targeted user).
- Banner Size – Usually, we encourage you to choose three popular sizes, namely 300x250px, 728x90px and 160x600px. But if your advertising budget is limited, it is enough to just choose the size of 300x250px. You can also click the Preview button to see an example of a shopping ad display.
- 728x90px – For this tutorial, we will select “Leaderboard – 2 Ads”
- 160x600px – For this tutorial, we will select “Wide Skyscraper – 3 Ads”
- 300x250px – For this tutorial, we will select “Medium Rectangle – 2 Ads”
- Apply same color for all display Layouts – Leave it as default and you can change it later.
- Upload Logo – Please upload your business logo with a maximum size of 300x300px.
- Headline Display Type – Choose between Text or Button. For this tutorial, we chose Button because the ad will be more neatly shaped.
- Headline Text – For this tutorial, our preferred text is “My Fruit Shop”.
- Headline Url – This is just your domain name for display in shopping ads. It is not the real URL that the audience will click on. For this tutorial, we insert the domain “www.myfruitshop.com” as an example.
- Call To Action Button Text – This is the button that will be displayed under your item that will be clicked by the audience if they are interested to buy it.
- Insert Items – See the next steps on how to include your item in a shopping ad.
- Allow Retargeting – please tick if you would like to use the retargeting features.

2. Before you click the NEXT button (referring to the screenshot above), click Insert Items to list your items. A new window will appear as below.
Due to the expansive windows for items listing, we have split it into two screenshots to facilitate your view.
- Title: Insert a title for your item for example “2 x Bananas”.
- Description: Enter a description for your item for example “Let’s eat banana!”.
- Display URL: This is just your domain name for display in shopping ads. It is not the real URL that the audience will click on. For this tutorial, we insert the domain “www.myfruitshop.com” as an example.
- Landing Page: It is the real page URL that the audience will click on. For this example, the page URL is “https://www.myfruitshop.com/store/banana”.
- Retargeting URL: The Retargeting URL is also the same as the URL for Landing Page.
- Image Path: For Shopping ads, we do not store photos of your items. So you need to insert the URL for the items, for example, “https://docs.igniterads.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/banana.jpg”. It should end with png, jpeg or jpg extension.
- Sale Price: Retail price of your item.
- Offer Price: The discount price of your item.
- Actions: To add more items, click the “+” button. And to delete an item, click the “x” button.

When done, click the Save button and it will return to the same screenshot as in step (1) above. Then, click the NEXT button located at the bottom to proceed to the next step.

3. This is the final step. You need to enter your ad budget. The minimum CPC rate is USD$0.02, but we suggested you enter the Suggested Rate of USD$X.XX to bid the other advertiser. You can also input USD$0.02 and the only difference is that your ad will be displayed after the highest bid ad made by other advertisers. Click the ADD button and your balance will be deducted.
Note: If you have 3 shopping ads measuring 300x250px, 728x90px and 160x600px, this means your Ad Total Budget is $300×3 equivalent to $900. This is just an example and you do not require to put a high Ad Total Budget value. Probably as low as $50 per shopping ad size (with a total of $150 for 3 shopping ad sizes).
See also: Guide if using currencies other than USD

4. There will be a new window that appears to confirm your amount deduction. Click the OK button. Don’t worry, and you can cancel it later on.

5. Your shopping ad has been successfully created and we will review and approve it for you.

Advanced: Change the settings and advertising budget for each shopping ad size
6. However, if you want to change the settings for a specific shopping ad size, for example, the size of 300x250px, follow the tutorial below. Click MANAGE ADS and click on the pencil-shaped icon for a shopping ad with the size of 300x250px.

7. A screenshot similar to step (1) above will appear. Click NEXT.
Note: Here, you can also click Show Preview to see the display shape and layout of your 300x250px shopping ad (or other sizes).

8. If you are targeting a specific country, state, province or any specific place, you can find the location by clicking the “+” button and click the SAVE TARGET LOCATIONS located at the bottom of the page. But if you target it worldwide, leave it as default and click the NEXT button to proceed.

9. If you target a specific site based on keyword or niche, you can add the keyword here. But if you target it for any keyword, leave it as default and click the NEXT button to proceed.

10. Do you want to target your ad to a specific category of a site? Choose it below and click the SUBMIT button. You can also choose more than one category. Else, if you target it for any category, leave it as default and click the NEXT button to proceed.

11. You can target the shopping ad to either desktop/laptop or tablet/mobile users.
- All Devices – targeted for both desktop/laptop and tablet/mobile user. You can also choose a specific Operating System and Browser (please choose the Operating System first before choosing a Browser or else, leave all uncheck).
- Desktop & Laptop – only targeted for desktop and laptop users. You can also choose a specific Operating System and Browser (please choose the Operating System first before choosing a Browser or else, leave all uncheck).
- Tablet & Mobile – only targeted for tablet and mobile users. You can also choose a specific Operating System and Browser (please choose the Operating System first before choosing a Browser or else, leave all uncheck).
Please click the UPDATE button before clicking the NEXT button to proceed.

12. This step is a retargeting feature. As we mention before, you need to enable retargeting for your site. Else, your site will not be displayed in the image below. For this step, there is nothing you can change or edit. Follow the “Insert Items” tutorial in step (2) above if you need to edit. Then, click the NEXT button to proceed.

13. We advise you to use a time targeting feature for your site. Target between 8.00 am to 10.00 pm in your local time. But if you want to create a branding awareness, leave it as default and click the NEXT button.
Note: Don’t forget to match our server time and your local time. For example, here, our server time is 27th May 2020 at 1.13 am and your local time is 5.13 pm (London), so your ad will be running from 8.00 am to 10.00 pm (London local time). And the time that you need to choose in our dashboard will be from 4.00 pm to 6.00 am.
More example:
- 8.00am in London = 4.00pm (IgniterAds dashboard time)
- 8.00am in New York = 8.00pm (IgniterAds dashboard time)
- 8.00am in Singapore/Hong Kong/Malaysia = 8.00am (IgniterAds dashboard time)
- 8.00am in Dubai = 2.00pm (IgniterAds dashboard time)

Important Notes:
As of April 2019, we have added new targeting features in the step below. First, you can select your audience language. Leave it as default if you would like to target for all languages.

14. This is the final step and your advertising budget has already been inserted in steps (3) to (5) above. You can also make specific changes to the CPC value (or CPM) for this ad size.
Before making any changes, click the BUDGET CANCELLATION button. It will cancel all your previously allocated budget but will not cancel the already running budget that has been used for advertising in the past hours or days.
The ADD button will appear. The minimum CPC rate is USD$0.02, but we suggested you enter the Suggested Rate of USD$X.XX to bid the other advertiser. You can also input USD$0.02 and the only difference is that your ad will be displayed after the highest bid ad made by other advertisers. Right after clicking the ADD button, your dashboard will be refresh and new ad status will appear.
See also: Guide if using currencies other than USD

15. There will be a new window that appears to confirm your amount deduction. Click the OK button. Don’t worry, and you can cancel it later on.

Later, our team will review your ad and approve it. Finally, we will notify you via email.
Note: Every time you want to make changes to the ad (even if the ad is already running), you can do so by clicking the UPDATE button at the bottom of any Step.